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Amber - 'Pretty cool. enjoyed the real-time aspects, live dialog, problem solving under real time pressure. Liked the depth of the Amber setting yet originality of the settings like next-gen Amber' - Tim Patterson

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Greetings and welcome to 5th Wall Gaming. We are happy to have you register with us and we promise to make it as painless as possible.

In order for the system to operate properally, we need some basic information about you. Allot of the information listed here is optional, but the fields with a * in front of the field shows that we need this information for the system to set up your account.

* Name:
* Email:
* Username:
(Spam Protection) What is 9 + 8:

There are a few rules that we ask you to follow while at this site. By clicking register, you agree to these terms.

  1. You agree not to make up more then 1 account on this site. If you are having trouble logging in, then please use the "Forgot Password" link on the main login page.
  2. You agree that any photos uploaded to this site can be used by us for promotional purposes. If you feel that you do not want your photo shown outside this site, then please do not upload it.
  3. Do not message spam. The messaging system is there for a reason. It's to allow you to communicate with the other people in this forum and it is monitored.
  4. Ditto for the forums.
  5. If you wish to advertise your site, please contact us via the message system and we will be willing to review it and put it in our links.
  6. Put in the correct email address please. False email addresses are a pain to deal with and tend to get the ban monkey upset.
  7. You will get your password emailed to you. I know, it's a pain, but with the rash of false emails being entered into the system, it has to be done. Please make sure to change your password as soon as you log on via the profile page.